Rangtse Ney in Haa, the naturally formed Khandro Dorji Phagmoi cave is found on the base of a hill.There is no written history to elaborate on the sacredness of the cave. But locals have been transmitting the story of the cave orally for generations.
About four-hour drive from the Haa-Chuzom Highway, Rangtse Ney (Lime Caves) is a sacred site believed to be the secret abode of 8th century Buddhist saint Guru Rinpoche and his spiritual consort Khandro Yeshey Tshogyel. Rangtse Ney became a popular attraction after His Majesty the King visited the site on 23rd December 2017. Locals believe that there are seven doors inside the cave. Footprints of Guru Rinpoche and holy pudenda of Khandro Yeshey Tshogyel are visible on the rocks inside the cave. Guru Rinpoche is said to have hidden sacred treasures in the cave.
The cave is mysterious for a number of reasons. No one knows the physical depth and the vastness of it. Exploring 10 minutes into the cave one can come across a stream as strange as the cave is. It flows without any source or an end in sight. It is believed to help people breathe better as they go deeper into the cave. Not many know the details inside the cave as of now but people say that there are many naturally formed structures resembling religious figures and artefacts. Among those is a figure that resembles Buddha and a pig-like structure which visitors revere as Dorji Phagmo.
For adventure seekers, the cave is not the only source of attraction in the area. There are two lakes just a few metres above the cave formed from the Rangtse river, which flows next to the hill where the ney is located.