Mongar district, marks the beginning of eastern Dzongkhag on crossing high Thrumshing la pass (4,000m). It covers an area of 1,954 sq. km holding a population size of 38,000. It is situated in an elevation ranging from 400m to 4,000m the second largest town in the sub-tropical east. The landscape is spectacular with pristine waterfalls, steep cliffs with even steeper drops, blazingmongar picture flowers and constantly changing vegetation set an amidst dense conifer forests. The region is known for its weavers and textiles, and fabrics produced here are considered some of the best in the country. Mongar region is popularly noted for its lemon grass, a plant that can be used to produce an essential oil. Economically it holds a hydroelectric power-plant on the Kuri Chhu River that serves one source of national capital.