Pema Gatshel Dzong

Dzongs have played significant roles in the history of Bhutan as well as in daily lives of the Bhutanese people. Over the ages Dzongs have been used as the centre for administration and monk body of the Dzongkhag whereby standing out to be the most important building in the Dzongkhag. Dzongs are also seen as an important identity for the Dzongkhag.

Pemagatshel Dzongkhag is one of the few dzongkhags in the country that does not have a structure which architecturally and culturally represents a Dzong. After many surveys on geophysical characteristics, water sources, human settlements, etc. the site was identified at Denchi under Shumar gewog.

Pemagatshel Dzong construction project was initiated in the 10th FYP, and the project has spanned over three plan periods; 10th, 11th and 12th FYP’s. The establishment of a Dzong will greatly enhance the significance of the Dzongkhag. It will also serve and improve Dzongkhag’s civil and religious administrations and functions by replacing the existing building which has severe space problems and barely has the status of a Dzong and its operations. The main objective of the project was to construct a Dzong which is to be an administrative center for the Dzongkhag with a design reflecting the finest interpretation of traditional Bhutanese architecture in the modern context.


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