Chimi Lhakhang, also known as the “Temple of the Divine Madman,” is a revered Buddhist monastery located in the Punakha Valley of Bhutan. Established in 1499 by the great lama Drukpa Kunley, who is celebrated for his unconventional methods of teaching Buddhism, the temple is famous for its unique blend of spirituality and folklore. Known for its vibrant wall paintings and the tradition of blessing children, Chimi Lhakhang is a pilgrimage site for couples seeking fertility and is often visited for its tranquil atmosphere and its connection to the legendary “Divine Madman” who used humor and unorthodox behavior to spread his teachings. The temple’s setting, surrounded by picturesque rice fields and traditional Bhutanese villages, adds to its charm and significance in Bhutanese culture.
key points about Chimi Lhakhang: