Merak village

Towards the south of Sakteng, the nomadic enclave of Merak is one of the most isolated valleys in Bhutan situated at an altitude of (3500m) above sea level, Merak, literally meaning “Set on the fire” because for the first time when they migrated from Tibet they cleared the forest setting fire and inhabited. The inhabitants of Merak are similar to those of Sakteng in their language, dress, lifestyle and spiritual afflictions. However the people from Merak are said to be better built and taller than their counter part in Sakteng. They lead a semi nomadic lifestyle, primarily depending on Yaks and sheeps for their livelihood. Mt Jomo Kukhar to the north east is considered the abode of Aum Jomo and worshipped by the Brokpas as their protecting deity. Every autumn, people of Merak celebrate a two day festival in honour of their protecting deity by making journey to the mountain, compete in horse riding race and perform mask dances.


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